"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow."

~Mary Jean Irion

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Fresh New Look

I wanted to start a new blog to go along with my new attitude. This has been a big year for me in the decision department, and it hasn't been an easy ride. This is the year I decided to say "F you" to those in my life who haven't really deserved to be there, and "hello" to the many new and exciting opportunities on the horizon. I am YOUNG and have only myself to blame for not grabbing life by its horns and taking control. So what if I haven't lived up to others' expectations... Who Has?? I have a supportive husband, 2 amazing children, and a circle of friends who keeps me going. This blogspot is dedicated to those who will always love the crazy person that lives inside me, even as I get to know her myself.

Think: Empowerment, Loving yourself, Beatles: "To Know Her is to Love Her"